Manifestational life of Trstenik is diverse. ”Jefimija’s Days” has the longest tradition, where as ”Pečenjijada” gathers the numerous and the most cheerful visitors.
Ortodox (Serbian) New Year, 13 th January
Swimming for Epiphany Cross, 19th January
Winegrowers’ Day – St Trifun’s Day, 14th February
Celebrating St. Trifun, the patron of vintners and grape growers, is a tradition in viticulture of Trstenik. In the festive spirit and the plenty of wine of high quality, wine toasts and poetry are told and the king of wine is chosen.
Spring Mountaineers’ Day, April
Spring Mountaineers’ Day takes place in April. It attracts a great number of admirers of nature and this kind of sport takes place in Trstenik municipality. The Mountaineers reach Samar, the highest peak of the Gledić mountains, that has an altitude of 922 meters above sea level. The second day is traditionally reserved for visiting Goč.
Humanitarian auction of Easter Eggs, April-May
International Folk Dance festival „Svima na radost-Evropa folk fest“, April-May
Museums at Night, May
Graduation dance, May
Goulash making competition in Ugljarevo, May-June
Municipal St Patron’s Day-Holy Trinity, June
Jefimija’s Days, June
Visitors coming in June will experience traveling through time and go back to medieval century.Jefimija’s Days is a cultural manifestation with the longest tradition, dedicated to nun Jefimija, the first Serbian female poet, which is held in the churchyard of the Ljubostinja Monastery and Cultural Center. Famous actresses recite the Ode to Prince Lazar in honor to Jefimija. The programme contains the Female art colony, Letter of Jefimija, poetic offerings, musical programme. Poetic award “Jefimija’s embroidery” is awarded every year on this manifestation.
Trstenik on the Morava river, August
Manifestation Trstenik on the Morava river is a cheer compilation of entertainment, sport, cultural events and friendship. Broth cooking is the favourite discipline of those who adore it and this is a rare happening for the central part of Serbia. The pole boat race is a unique competition on the Balkan. It requires not only physical condition but skill of conducting a boat along Morava’s rapids using poles. Sports courts near the Morava river are reserved for competitions in volleyball, tennis, water polo and on the banks of the river fishermen and swimmers compete. Local artists, musicians and children are also part of this good, almost holiday atmosphere on the town’s beach. Concerts, theatrical performances and literary evenings, baby crawling contest, karaoke and young models parade are reserved for the evening programme.
Moto show in Trstenik, August
Roasted Pork Festival „Pečenjijada“ in Stopanja, September
Village Stopanja, well known for its delicious pork and lamb, is the host of ”Pečenjijadа“- Roasted Pork Festival. During the “Roasted Pork Festival” nearly 20.000 visitors rushed to Stopanja to enjoy the smells and taste of the fresh and hot roasted pork. On every step there is a pork or lamb being roasted. In wine and brandy street, local specialties made from plums, pears, grapes are tasted. On music stage, the best singers of our folk music are performing.
Farewell to summer in Jasikovica, September
All breeds Federal Dog Exibition, October
The Day of Municipality of Trstenik, 15th October
The Fair of Hunting, Fishing and Rural Tourism, October
The Association of hunters and fishermen involves more than 1700 hunters and 2000 fishermen. These and the location of Trstenik, coupled with the potentials for sport and recreational tourism recommend Trstenik as the right place for the Fair of Hunting, Fishing and Tourism.
Contemporary Serbian Prose, November
Contemporary Serbian Prose is a cultural manifestation, which takes place every November in Trstenik, gathers eminent creators of contemporary prose art and it is organized by National Library “Jefimija”.
Ribnikar’s Mountaineers’ Day, November